Current events and news

Dresden, reading, Danish evening, Denmark

Ullstein Verlag, Print, Marielyst, Holiday

Accents, bus ride, glass elephant, reading, public utilities

Murder on the Hellweg, Hamm, Maxipark, Premiere

Maxipark, Glaselefant, Hamm

Impressions from the Criminale in Hanover with Henrike Jütting and many other colleagues. It was great!!

Leserkanone, Interview, Danish Outlook

Danish view, Thalia, book, Denmark, Marielyst. Baltic Sea, Gronover

Books Logbook. Kikiś, KBV Verlag, Falkenmord, characterization, review

Three-way reading in the city library in Apolda, and the spouses set up the book table! It was lovely, especially with my favorite colleagues.

Greven City Library, Greven, Event, RestartCulture

Premiere reading at Polstermöbel Poggel.
That was great!

Galilei-Gymnasium, Schullesung, day of european authors

Three-person reading in Erfurt with Klaus Jäger, Antje Babendererde and Frida Gronover at the Erfurter Herbstlese eV: Through Europe in 25 pages!

KBV Verlag, falcons, falconer, book trade, Sabine Gronover, Frida Gronover, Warendorf, crime novel

Reading in the Hamm prison, a really great and unusual evening with Volker Sator, which I will never forget with his moderation and the lovely company! And with Klaus Harkenbusch, who had the idea and also moderated brilliantly.

27th Poetry Evening in Hamm, Kleist Forum, Klaus Harkenbusch, Elli Keltenblytz

Photo gallery Murder on the Hellweg, reading at the Five Star Ranch in Bad Sassendorf

Tourist information Marielyst, Nyköbing, Falster, Marielystkimis, Urlaub

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